Reduce tax exposure with the right tax planning

Cyprus is considered to have one of the most attractive Tax regimes in Europe for both organizations and individuals, allowing professionals to use Cyprus as a base and operate anywhere in the world.

Tax Incentives

Cyprus in its plan to attract investments from abroad has approved in 2015 new regulations that provide incentives…

Cyprus Tax Resident

Cyprus tax residency is widely used from professionals, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, aviation professionals, athletes and artists…

Corporate Tax

Cyprus is considered to have one of the most attractive Tax regimes in Europe for both organizations and individuals…

Personal Tax

Cyprus is considered to have one of the most attractive Tax regimes in Europe for both organizations and individuals…

Company Re-domiciliation

Foreign companies are eligible to become “tax residents” of Cyprus and benefit the advantages of Cyprus tax regime…

Substance in Cyprus

In the last few years, authorities have become more aware and suspicious regarding tax avoidance issues under…

Funds in Cyprus

Cyprus fund management industry is fast becoming one of the most promising sectors of the local economy and set…

Relocation in Cyprus

Operate worldwide, Corporate and personal tax deductions, Live and work in Cyprus, Apply for naturalization, Never worry about your income tax.