Trust and exceptional support is the core of our identity.


At KTC, we support your business needs in a cost efficient manner through our exceptional Corporate Services.  Our Corporate Services team and network of associates offer a comprehensive range of services, helping companies to grow in a sustainable manner.


Formation of Legal Entities

KTC’s professionals will examine your company’s needs, evaluate all the prospects and suggest the best type of company for your activities and purpose. Cyprus companies can serve a variety of activities and that is why good advice is essential before choosing the type of legal entity. The legal entity must be designed to secure the business and the shareholders in any aspect and support any need for optimal activities.

Formation of legal entities in Cyprus or any other jurisdiction
  • Incorporation and maintenance of Companies and Trusts
  • Representation and Trustee Services (nominee shareholders, directors, secretary, registered office etc.)


Benefits of Corporate Statutory Compliance Services :

  • Fully compliant with the Registrar of Companies
  • Specialised reliable service
  • Costly penalties due to late submissions are avoided
  • Tailored services based on your needs
  • Cost saving secretarial services


Banking and account openings

Our firm as acting as introducer for every major bank institution in Cyprus has long standing experience in servicing Cyprus and International Business Companies. Our philosophy focus in providing high quality corporate services based on our clientele needs, in a cost efficient manner.  KTC’s corporate services team and network of associates offer a comprehensive range of banking services.

Banking Services
  • Opening of bank accounts in Cyprus and other jurisdictions
  • Bank signatory services
  • Escrow accounts services
Bank Account Opening

Our firm acting as introducer has the ability to assist individuals and legal entities with the bank account opening in any bank in Cyprus and abroad. All international bank transactions can be performed without any exchange rate restrictions.

Cyprus as a financial center provides professional services and an advanced banking system where local banks and banking institutions have a global presence and operate with the primary purpose of serving companies and international entrepreneurs.

The local banking system and banking institutions after the economic crisis of 2013 are now fully re-capitalised operating under the supervision of the Central Bank of Cyprus and the European Central Bank.

We can assist an individual or a legal entity with the bank account opening without the need of travelling to Cyprus. Our firm works closely with the major banks in Cyprus acting as a qualified introducer.

Documentation needed for a non-Cyprus resident to open a bank account:

  1. Passport
  2. Proof of a permanent address (recent utility bill).
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. A completed questionnaire of KTC Business Consultants.

Documentation needed for a Cyprus registered company to open a bank account

  1. Companies Registrar Corporate Certificates (shareholders overview, registered office, director’s certificate,
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association
  3. Trust between the final beneficiary and the registered shareholder (where applicable)
  4. The final beneficiary identification documents (passport or ID and proof of address of permanent residence)


Secretarial Services

Our expertise and years of knowledge in the business field allows us to assist you and provide you extensive secretarial support. This will ensure everything is properly managed and secure. Good communication and control is essential for a healthy organisation to run.

  • Preparation and maintenance of statutory documents
  • Compliance with the statutory obligations of the registrar of companies
  • Assistance with shareholders and directors meetings
  • Assistance of with the preparation of management and administration documents
  • Preparations of powers of attorney and commercial agreements
  • Preparation and submission of Annual Returns



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